vultr: Your host node is experiencing a connectivity error and our engineering team is investigating the issue in additional detail. [Solved]

So after using a while it seems vultr went kaput.

Showing following error on the dashboard and site is not acessible

Your host node is experiencing a connectivity error and our engineering team is investigating the issue in additional detail.

Your host node is experiencing a connectivity error and our engineering team is investigating the issue in additional detail.

Doesn’t take a few seconds to realize that their node is down and no one has any clue when it will be up.


So how to solve this issue?

When node is up, backup your site and move to another VPS and close account on vultr, problem solved forever 😉


5 responses to “vultr: Your host node is experiencing a connectivity error and our engineering team is investigating the issue in additional detail. [Solved]”

  1. Dev Avatar

    Lol! Love the solution given by you 😉

    Found this post by Googling for exactly same problem. My node is in the USA and has been down for almost an hour.

    So is vultr any good?
    Which VPS host do you recommend?

    1. Ajay Avatar

      If you want 100% uptime then VPS are not the solution. Try dedicated hosts/bare metal.

      1. Dev Avatar

        I see. I thought VPS are quite reliable? So if they are not reliable then why people use them?
        Which dedicated host do you recommend?

        1. Ajay Avatar

          VPS are good for development phase or for something for which you don’t need 100% uptime. If a site is live and you need 100% uptime then forget VPS.

          I’m not recommending any good dedicated server because they don’t pay me commission for referral 😉

          If you are desperate to know which are the best dedicated hosts then let me know and I’ll email you few.

          1. Dev Avatar

            Yes please, email me recommendations for some good dedicated hosts. Thanks.

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