imgur: We’re sorry! Account sign-up is not possible in your region

Tried to create account in imgur and got the following error:

We’re sorry! Account sign-up is not possible in your region.

We're sorry! Account sign-up is not possible in your region.

This is the first of error of it’s kind I’ve ever faced in my life where a website doesn’t allow account creation from the UK.

Unfortunately and perhaps I’m the only one from the UK getting this error. Based on comments from other users from the UK I can say that I’m not the alone so it must be country/UK specific issue.

I’ve contacted imgur, let’s see what they have to say.

Does ISP block imgur?

In the past some ISPs, including Virgin and sky, have been blocking imgur but this error has nothing to do with being blocked by ISP. imgur website is accessible so there is no block from my ISP. If it was blocked by ISP then it would show error from the ISP and not on imgur website.


4 responses to “imgur: We’re sorry! Account sign-up is not possible in your region”

  1. Ravi Avatar

    I think it is blocked by your ISP?

    1. Ajay Avatar

      No, ISP doesn’t block imgur. If ISP was blocking then there would be a message being displayed from ISP. The error occurs on the imgur website which I can access. It must be something from imgur. May be they are not allowing new user registration from the UK.

  2. Seb Avatar

    Same here, and I am also in the UK. I found this shocking where the company forces you to go with the third party. I will rather find a substitute photo hosting service than do what they wish.

    1. Ajay Avatar

      Almost 2 years and this problem still exists, it is ridiculous that they don’t allow signup from the UK.

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