Why Is Eclipse So Fucking Slow?

I hate Eclipse with passion. I’ve never used it and whenever I tried to use it I just give up on fucking installation procedures itself.

It’s just fucking piece of crap IDE software to install and work. I’ve state of the art iMac with maximum configuration possible and whenever I launch it, it just starts frying up iMac provided I can get pass the installation process.

Eclipse IDE is slow to install on MacOS

The reason I keep coming back to Eclipse IDE is that it’s free and the nearest best IDE software is fucking paid where you end up paying £499 or so per year to use IDE which should be fucking free.

As a developer I find it so fucking annoying just to keep wasting time in fucking figuring out how to install software.

Today was another day where I had to get Eclipse installed on MacOS and it fucking got stuck on installation hence I decided to finally rant on this topic.

So Why Eclipse Is So Slow In Everything?

It’s slow because it’s free and it is supported by bunch of people in community who couldn’t fucking get it working. They keep on adding support for everything and it all ends up in a giant mess.

Apart from ranting the main reason why it’s slow with everything is because it connects with servers and not just few servers but millions of them and it all ends up in timing out because those servers are unreachable. Why are those servers unreachable? It’s again the name of fucking foundation and free and open source crap.

What Is The Solution To Fix Eclipse’s Slow Response?

As per my knowledge the slowness of Eclipse comes down to the Network. No it’s not your network connection but the sites Eclipse connects to download software.

Unfortunately there is no solution which can fix the slowness of Eclipse. You can try some of the followings.

Network Connection

On Eclipse Installer application open Network Connection from Eclipse-Inst->Preference menu.

Select Direct/Manual/Native from Active Provider and try it.

For me none of these options helped.

Eclipse Installer – Network Connection

Download and Install Eclipse From Command Line – Worked for me

Download the latest Eclipse IDE package from https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/

I’m trying to install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers and at the point of writing this post the latest version of the package was https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/2021-12/R/eclipse-java-2021-12-R-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.dmg

After downloading double click on .dmg file and follow instructions to install Eclipse IDE. This is the solution which worked for me.

Solution For Fixing Slowness Of Installing PyDev

I was trying to install PyDev today which is where all the problem starts to appear again (millionth time).

To install PyDev on MacOS, launch Eclipse IDE and click Help -> Install New Software

On Install Window enter http://pydev.org/updates and select the PyDev.

Uncheck Contact all update sites during install to find required software

Install PyDev on MacOS

You would assume that it will all go well and it will install PyDev, but it will not at least not in my case. Now you will realise why I decided to rant on this topic. Here is the next error I encountered while installing PyDev.

PyDev Installation Error on MacOS

To fix above error, double click on following in Problems pane and continue to install the required packages.
Unknown referenced nature: org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.jsNature. .project /Blog Unknown Unknown nature

This is not the end, you may encounter another problem shown below.

Unable to read repository at https://download.eclipse.org/releases/latest.
Unable to read repository at https://download.eclipse.org/releases/2021-12/.
Communication with repository at https://download.eclipse.org/releases/2021-12/202112081000/content.xml.xz failed.
Read timed out
Another PyDev installation Problem

Eclipse is like a big onions of problems where you fix one problem only to find out another problem underneath it and it keeps going. Layer after layer of fucking problems.

Looking at the problem it seems it is same issue, the server time out.

Try again and keep trying till it installs. Good luck with that though!

Well I need to take a break before my brain fries up in fixing problem after problem. I’ll come back as I find solutions.

Okie so I found what is the real issue. Click on this https://www.pydev.org/updates/ on this page click on all the links. You will find that all pages don’t exist. So basically PyDev is fucked up.

I gave up this point only to find that Eclipse I’ve installed so far has nowhere to be found on my iMac. Lol!!

So what application was I running if it didn’t install Eclipse? I’ve no clue what is going on!!!

It turns out that I didn’t copy Eclipse.app to Application folder. To fix this issue double click on dmg file again and drag and drop Eclipse.app to Application folder

Drag and drop Eclipse.app to Application folder

I’ve to conclude this post. I’ll try to provide solution to other issues in another posts.

Update – Is RAM an issue?

While browsing through Internet I came across a few threads where so called fucking experts have expressed their opinion that Eclipse is slow because computer has less RAM. I just died laughing 😉 What a bunch of morons!!! Slowness of Eclipse has nothing to do with RAM. I’ve 32 GB on my iMac yet Eclipse is just slow. From my personal experience less RAM is not the real cause of slowness.


7 responses to “Why Is Eclipse So Fucking Slow?”

  1. Billy Avatar

    Never seen a developer swearing so much in one post, looks like you had really hard day 😉

  2. Stefan Avatar

    When you type on Google “Why is eclipse so slow” your post comes at the top and that’s how I ended up here. I was also trying to install Eclipse IDE On my MacBookPro and it just got stuck and it did start taking up CPU and heating up mbp so I’ve to kill it. Can you recommend some good IDE as alternative to Eclipse IDE? Which one do you use?

    1. Ajay Avatar

      There is no single IDE to take care of all programming languages. xCode is a good IDE if you can make it work with the language you are coding in. Visual Code is another very good and free IDE which I started using recently for Python. I use Brackets for html editing even though it’s not WYSIWYG and an alternative to Dreamweaver. I used to love Dreamweaver but fucking Adobe made it all part of cloud subscription and you have to pay monthly subscription even if you use it like once a month. It’s fucking rip off. Fuck Adobe.

  3. Nico Avatar

    Eclipse is frustratingly slow. I gave up on it. I’m using Visual Studio, it is not slow but takes up a lot of resources.

    1. Ajay Avatar

      Yes, you are right. Visual Studio is much better than Eclipse.

  4. fuckingEclipse Avatar

    I love this title.
    시원한 일침이었어요.

  5. Andy Avatar

    Seeing this post while wasting my live in eclipse, thats sad.

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